The author is known to many orchid friends through her detailed preliminary work on the Odontoglossum group of forms in the journal "Die Orchidee" of the German Orchid Society,
This book is a revision and reorganization of the genus with detailed descriptions and numerous, mostly colored illustrations of all 58 true species, varieties and natural hybrids. Meaningful detailed drawings and distribution maps accompany each description, cultivation instructions and a detailed index of names complete the content of this book.
2-language version, German-English, 249 illustrations, 197 of them in colour; 68 drawings and 59 distribution maps, format 16.5 x 24 cm, 344 pages; Thread-stitching with a solid, multicolored printed cover,
This unique Odontoglossum work previously cost DM 132. You can now buy this great book for € 30,-- order from us,
2-language version, German-English, 249 illustrations, 197 of them in colour; 68 drawings and 59 distribution maps, format 16.5 x 24 cm, 344 pages; Thread-stitching with a solid, multicolored printed cover,
This unique Odontoglossum work previously cost DM 132. You can now buy this great book for € 30,-- order from us,