Cypripedium ULLA SILKENS

Cypripedium ULLA SILKENS
Cypripedium ULLA SILKENS
Cypripedium ULLA SILKENS

Cypripedium ULLA SILKENS

The dotted lady's shoe!

Hardy outdoor orchid for your garden

Cypripedium reginae X flavum

Care Tips:

These new hybrids are ideal for the orchid lover.
The soil should be enriched with humus. Winter protection is usually not necessary. In spring it should be shaded slightly to prevent premature budding.

Only in dry weather from budding until after the end of the flowering period.


Orchid fertilizer if the concentration does not exceed 0.5-1 ml/L. At high concentrations, the fine hair roots and, in some species, the mycorrhiza (soil fungi) are destroyed.

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