Orchid names and their meaning
Not only the flowers of the orchids have something exotic, but also their names often sound very mysterious and sometimes incomprehensible. This book (350 pages) "sheds light on the darkness" of orchid names, Hubert Mayr explains genus names and species names, their origin and meaning, the most important multi-genus hybrids are mentioned and finally species names and their translation into German are listed on 227 pages, the book also contains an extensive glossary with understandable explanations of the most important technical terms in the "orchid language", this impressive work is rounded off with 48 very beautiful color illustrations,
This unique work about orchid names and their meaning should not be missing in any good orchid library. The book is in DINA4 format (paperback), has 350 pages with a total of 48 color illustrations and costs only EUR 45.00.
This unique work about orchid names and their meaning should not be missing in any good orchid library. The book is in DINA4 format (paperback), has 350 pages with a total of 48 color illustrations and costs only EUR 45.00.